After a light dusting of snow yesterday, and cold temps overnight, Groomer Mike was able to snow comb Rolling Hills, Trappers cabin, Mackinaw Cut and Wild Turkey. Tall Pines and Adventure need a little more time to freeze back up. Expect many great stretches, occasional crusty spots, bits of debris from the wind and possibly some damp spots in the lower areas. Classic tracks are a bit glazed over, but with some fresh snow in them, so they’re pretty decent, all things considered! Please be warned that Manitou has some large ruts crossing the trail at the powerlines that need to be traversed with care. The cafe is open and there are lots of new clothing markdowns! Come ski with us!
Upcoming Events:
Saturdays March 1st and 8th: Free Beginner Ski Lesson at 10:30am
Learn how to cross country ski at our FREE beginner ski lesson! You will learn the basics of traditional (classic style) XC ski technique, plus hill climbing, descending, and turning. You will even learn how to get up when you fall down! Free lessons are limited to 25 people. Ski rentals are available at the rental desk on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sunday, March 9th: Michigan Cup Relays and Awards Party!
oin us for one of the most exciting ski races in Michigan! This grand finale race for the Michigan Cup Race Series features a relay race with 3 skiers per team: 2 legs freestyle, and 1 classic leg. Each skier skis approximately 4-6km per leg. You do not have to be a Michigan Cup racer to participate! Read more and sign up here.